Sunday, March 02, 2008

Y Costa Rica hace setenta

Me alegré al aprendar que un tico me ha visitado hoy. Ya hay 70 banderas en mi colección.

Tengo ganas de visitar Costa Rico pero me falta dinero. ¿Qué hay de nuevo?

Y'all can see Costa Rica between Nicaragua and Panamá (Padre Mickey's part of the world).

For our musical selection this evening we have several videos.

Here is your chance to learn to dance the cumbia, Costa Rican style.

First, for the beginners (this will start you out real slow):

Then for the more advanced:

A little visual tour, as the posters say: "A collection of clips from a recent trip to Costa Rica. Song is "Seis Por Derecho" by Carlos Tapia y Conjunto Piedemonte." This gives you a nice sense of driving through the countryside.

Gratouitous young male singers perform a collection of contemporary Costa Rican music:

If you are interested in ecotourism, Costa Rica is a good place to with incredible biodiversity, but you didn't need me to tell you that. CR is the most popular destination in Central America.

Welcome, Ticos! Good to have you here.
--the BB


Jane R said...

Our diocese has a companion relationship with the Diocese of Costa Rica. Thanks for all the resources! Later I will take time to look and listen. I hope to go someday.

Jane R said...

Unrelated but you will enjoy this. I stopped over to visit BOy in the Bands, where I hadn't been in a while, and he had this re: the Gay Postage Stamp watch. ;-)

Fran said...

Estuve en Costa Rico- cincos anos pasado.

I had mixed experiences, but that has as more to do with the timing(right after the worst breakup I ever had) and the company (friends I have since had to part from due to... too long a story) and the fact that as I walked down the jetway on the way there I got a call that one of my closest friends had a stroke at age 47.

However, I had one very perfect morning in a rainforest - lazily floating over the top in a gondola kind of thing that you might see spanning across the top of an amusement part. Birds floating by, butterflies like you can't imagine and nature in all its glory. Sometimes we would just stop and sit there - it was heavenly.

I also spent the evening in a gay bar called "El Aspo" but that truly is another story for another day!

Padre Mickey said...

The Lovely Mona and I spent a month in Costa Rica, and it was a nice transition from our time in Berkeley to Central America, but I prefer Panamá.