ZimbabweMDC's Morgan Tsvangirai 'optimistic' after meeting with Thebo MbekiTimes Online - 2 hours ago
Morgan Tsvangirai, the Zimbabwean opposition leader, flew to Zambia today before a crucial summit of southern African leaders aimed at resolving Zimbabwe's political turmoil.
Mugabe pulls out of key meeting CNN International
Mugabe rival 'meets SA president' BBC News
Opposition leader's lawyer arrested ahead of Zimbabwe summit ABC Online
Bush appelle le Zimbabwe à annoncer les résultats de l'élection ...Jeune Afrique - Il y a 3 heures
Le président américain, George W. Bush, a appelé les autorités électorales du Zimbabwe à annoncer les résultats de l'élection présidentielle du 29 mars, a indiqué jeudi la Maison Blanche. Au cours de sa conversation téléphonique avec le président ...
Mugabe's 'poll abuse' condemnedBBC News - 55 minutes ago
Zimbabwean opposition leader Morgan Tsvangirai has condemned President Robert Mugabe's attempts to stay in power. He said Mr Mugabe had created a "new electoral environment" by deploying the army, beating up the opposition and manipulating election ...
IraqUS airstrikes kill 12 in IraqXinhua - 57 minutes ago
BAGHDAD, April 11 (Xinhua) -- US airstrikes in Baghdad's Sadr City district and in the southern city of Basra killed at least 12suspected insurgents on Friday, the US military and coalition spokesman said.
Air strikes in Baghdad and Basra kill 12 International Herald Tribune
Al-Sadr's brother-in-law killed in Iraq's Najaf (1st Lead) Monsters and Critics.com
Gates and Petraeus differ over troop levels in IraqLos Angeles Times - 6 hours ago
Ron Edmonds / AP To the military units and American civilians in Iraq, the president said: "The turnaround you've made possible in Iraq is a brilliant achievement in American history.
Bush orders halt to troop withdrawals Boston Globe
Decision on more troop cuts is up to Petraeus, Bush says Seattle Times
The real reason the Iraq 'surge' is workingGlobe and Mail - 2 hours ago
The commander of American forces in Iraq told Senate committee hearings this week that planned US troop withdrawals from Iraq must be suspended if the situation there is to be saved. Security is improving, General David Petraeus testified, ...
Iran cleric rejects Bush's accusations on Iraq Reuters
Gunmen Kill Sadrist Official in IraqThe Associated Press - 48 minutes ago
BAGHDAD (AP) - A senior aide of radical Shiite cleric Muqtada al-Sadr was assassinated Friday in the holy city of Najaf, officials said.
Fight for Sadr City a Proving Ground for Iraq Military New York Times
Key Sadr aide shot dead in Iraq BBC News
SomaliaSarkozy: Pirates have released hostagesCNN - 2 hours ago
Paris, France (CNN) -- Pirates have released the 30-member crew of a luxury French yacht that was hijacked a week ago off the coast of Somalia, French President Nicolas Sarkozy said Friday.
France: Hostages Held Off Somalia Freed The Associated Press
France: Hostages held by pirates off Somalia are free (2nd Roundup) Monsters and Critics.com
Les 30 otages du Ponant libérés sans incident L'Express
NepalMaoists lag in early Nepal resultBBC News - 8 hours ago
Nepal's Maoist party has come third in the first constituency results to be declared after Thursday's elections. In Kathmandu's constituency number one, the Maoist candidate polled under 4000 votes.
Nepal Begins Tallying Votes The Associated Press
Nepal celebrates peaceful vote as results trickle in AFP
Tibet - China - Olympic GamesTibet groups plan large Canberra protest to push China for talksMonsters and Critics.com - 1 hour ago
Beijing - A large protest planned by Tibetans and their supporters during the Olympic torch relay in Canberra is aimed at pushing China to talk to the exiled Dalai Lama and is not against China or the Olympics, the Australia Tibet Council said on ...
China Outraged by US-Tibet Resolution The Associated Press
Experts: "Theocracy has lost its root in Tibet" Xinhua
Washington diary: China's crisis BBC News
UN chief to miss Olympics opening ceremonyNDTV.com - 6 hours ago
In what could be considered to be a major setback to China, the UN Secretary General, Ban Ki-moon, and the General Assembly President, Srgjan Kerim, have said they would not be attending the inaugural ceremony of the Beijing Olympics slated for August ...
General Assembly President notes progress in debate on UN ... UN News Centre
UN Member States pressed to support strengthening measures Student Operated Press
Les cinq piliers de la stratégie du dalaï-lamanouvelobs.com - Il y a 5 heures
Dans un discours admirable, prononcé il ya quelques jours, le dalaï-lama a présenté sa vision, sa "voie du milieu", pour le Tibet. En le lisant de près, on peut y déchiffrer sa stratégie - une stratégie de résistance non-violente directement inspirée ...
Le dalaï lama soutient Pékin en tant que ville olympique La Tribune.fr
Le dalaï-lama répète son soutien aux JO, dénonce la violence L'Express
Dalai Lama :si China concediera autonomía al Tíbet problemas ...Terra España - hace 1 hora
El líder espiritual tibetano, el Dalai Lama, afirma que si el Gobierno Chino 'aplicase lo que está escrito en su Constitución, si concediera la autonomía municipal y regional y diera plenos poderes a los tibetanos todos los sentimientos negativos ...
La Eurocámara llama al boicot contra China La Verdad (Murcia)
La Eurocámara amenaza a China con el boicot Sport
Israel - PalestineIsraeli army kills six Palestinians in Gaza fightingReuters - 54 minutes ago
By Nidal al-Mughrabi GAZA (Reuters) - Israeli army forces killed four Palestinian civilians -- including an 11-year-old boy -- and two militants in a cross-border raid into the Hamas-controlled Gaza Strip on Friday, Hamas and medical officials said.
Video: Israel cuts Gaza's fuel supply RussiaToday
Israeli army kills boy and two gunmen in Gaza fighting International Herald Tribune
United Kingdom - BAE - Saudi ArabiaCalls to reopen Saudi arms probeBBC News - 5 hours ago
The Serious Fraud Office (SFO) has been urged to reopen its inquiry into the multi-billion pound arms deal between BAE and Saudi Arabia.
Calls to reopen UK inquiry into BAE-Saudi arms deal International Herald Tribune
Pressure mounts on the Serious Fraud Office to re-open Saudi ... This is London
United KingdomFailure to equip soldiers may be breach of human rightsTelegraph.co.uk - 3 hours ago
By Nick Allen British soldiers sent out on patrol or into battle with inadequate equipment in Iraq and Afghanistan could be having their human rights breached, a High Court judge ruled today.
Video: Soldiers' equipment defended bbcworldnews
Soldiers' human rights 'breached by faulty equipment' Independent
HaitiHaïti: trois Casques bleus du Sri-Lanka blessés par balles mercrediRomandie.com - Il y a 21 heures
PORT-AU-PRINCE - Trois Casques bleus du Sri-Lanka ont été blessés par balles mercredi par des inconnus dans la banlieue de Port-au-Prince, secouée depuis le début de la semaine par des émeutes de la faim, a appris jeudi l'AFP de sources onusiennes. ...
Affamé, Haïti sombre à nouveau dans la violence Le Figaro
Le calme revient à Port-au-Prince, les troupes de l'ONU se ... La Presse Canadienne
Food PricesCut in world poverty rates at risk from food inflationReuters South Africa - 17 hours ago
By Daniel Bases WASHINGTON, April 10 (Reuters) - Skyrocketing food prices threaten to undermine gains made in cutting global poverty and add further strain to a world economy already reeling from a financial market crisis, international development ...
Nigeria: Rising Global Food Prices Worry World Bank AllAfrica.com
Food prices stir poverty concern Aljazeera.net
Vatican - White HouseCancela Benedicto XVI cena con Bush en Casa BlancaEl Financiero (México) - hace 1 hora
Ciudad del Vaticano, 11 de abril.- El Papa Benedicto XVI decidió no asistir a una cena que en su honor ofrecerá en la Casa Blanca el presidente de Estados Unidos, George W. Bush, el próximo 16 de abril, día del cumpleaños número 81 del pontífice. ...
Pope Benedict XVI decided not to attend a dinner to be offered in his honor at the White House by President of the United States George W. Bush, on April 16, the pontiff's 81st birthday....
PakistanPak Govt moves to abolish Musharraf's media checksHindu - 2 hours ago
Islamabad (PTI): Pakistan's new government on Friday introduced a bill in Parliament to lift harsh restrictions imposed on the media by President Pervez Musharraf during last year's emergency rule.
Pakistan drops media restrictions BBC News
China, Pakistan vow to enhance cooperation in energy, defence Economic Times
O myrrh-bearing women, why have ye come unto the grave? Why seek ye the Living among the dead? The Lord is risen, take courage, crieth the Angel.--Friday of the Myrrh-Bearers, Pentecostarion--the BB