Friday, January 20, 2012

Writing again

If you see my Facebook posts you already know I have resumed work on The Lion Throne, the second tale in the Chronicles. I am currently working on two scenes where the wives and children respond to husbands and fathers out pursuing their claims to the throne. Stars, I pity them!

And yes, I love writing. It's been too long.

I will continue to cook but I hope this signals a shift toward better balance in my life. Writing is one of the most introverted things I do, though I love to read aloud or recount the tales to willing audiences.

--the BB

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Happy Birthday, Little Sister

I called my Little Sister to wish her a happy birthday today. She wondered where her little girl photo on the blog was. The pressure is on!

My Little Sister Ivajeane with her namesake, Grandma Iva.

Happy Birthday, Sis! I hope your day was a lot more fun than whatever made your brows knit while posing for this photo. Love you.

--the BB

Getting better

Thanks to everyone for all the love, prayers, thoughts, meditations, and good wishes. Today I see the infectious disease specialist to assess progress and plans looking ahead. I have been going into the doctor's office every morning for my IV antibiotic and after about five days the progress became quite marked. The swelling, redness, tenderness of my leg all reduced dramatically. When I wake up each morning the right leg (infected) looks as slender and toned as the left leg (healthy). The lower leg muscles do not hurt. Actually, the remaining tenderness is in the lymph system in the upper leg, working hard to process all the nastiness. I believe the fire dragon in my leg is mortally wounded but we plan to beat it down under my feet.

Not sure who the auxiliary saint for legs is but St George is good for dragons, I hear.

--the BB