Friday, December 04, 2009

This is not just for Mimi - updated: Thompson elected

Pray for the Episcopal
Diocese of Louisiana

UPDATE (from the diocesan website):
The Episcopal Diocese of Louisiana elected The Very Rev. Morris Thompson, as the 11th Bishop of Louisiana today at Christ Church Cathedral, New Orleans. Thompson was one of six final candidates voted on by clergy and lay representatives from every congregation in the diocese. Thompson succeeds the Rt. Rev. Charles E. Jenkins who has served since 1997 and announced his retirement effective January 2010.

Thompson said, "I am honored and humbled to serve you as the 11th Bishop of Louisiana. Your rich tradition, your attention to the survival of your diocese, and the possibilities are what attracted me when I first read your profile. Under God's grace and with our shared ministry, I look forward to being among you as your pastor."

From Mimi's blog:
The Episcopal Diocese of Louisiana will hold its Electing Convention tomorrow (Saturday, Dec. 5). Please pray that the Holy Spirit may fill the minds and hearts of the delegates as they gather at Christ Church Cathedral to choose our next bishop.

From the diocesan website:
Mission Statement

The Diocese of Louisiana is, by grace, a vital community, reborn in the wake of tragedy, forging a new and prophetic environment of healing, trust and empowerment as servants of Jesus Christ

Vision Statement

The Diocese of Louisiana is one church, faithful to our Lord Jesus, united in mission, reaching out through service and proclamation to all for whom Christ died. We live in joyous expectation of God's transforming power, compassion, and mercy in our lives

A Prayer for the Diocese

We give you thanks, Gracious God, for your goodness in bestowing upon this Church the gift of the episcopate, and its heritage in this Diocese. Grant that in our search for the Eleventh Bishop of Louisiana we may be open to your will, receptive of your guidance, and ready in obedience. By your abundant grace may we lay aside any shallow self-interest so that in seeking to elect your servant we may serve you, through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you in the Unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever. Amen.

Amen and amen.

May the Holy Spirit guide the hearts of the electors, and may those who cast votes listen to the Spirit, for the good of the people, the glory of God, and the life of the world.

--the BB

1 comment:

Göran Koch-Swahne said...

Prayers ascending for the Diocese of Louisiana!