I just finished making a photo album (that's hard-copy stuff, y'all, with photo paper) of our trip to Russia in November 2004. I selected almost 200 pictures of the 500+ I shot, tweaked a few, cropped them all, printed them, cut them with the paper trimmer, and slid them into plastic sleeves. Very satisfying.
In my best Russian cursive script I wrote Санкт–Петербург on the spine label.
Now I can gear up to take photos in Turkey in the next two weeks. Who knows, I may finish an album in spring of 2015.
--the BB
It all happens when it happens! Wow - what an exciting time!! I feel weepy when I think about this journey that you are about to undertake!
And have a really good journey!
Thanks, y'all.
Was the scrapbook a discipline, Paul? Like you wouldn't let yourself go to Turkey until it was done?
Anyway, good for you!
WV: excoker. Really! I didn't come here to be insulted, cher.
No, Mimi, it is actually Bill's somewhat tardy Christmas present. But there was a sense that I FINALLY printed copies others can see before our next major trip.
I am sure the WV was trying to say something like East Coker, honoring you with an allusion to T. S. Eliot.
Yes, East Coker to be sure. I see that you're full of it tonight, luv.
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