Sunday, October 31, 2010

Heart thread - 10/31/2010

My father-in-law, Jack, is declining rapidly. I ask your continued prayers that he may be delivered from anxiety and pain in his last days. Thanks to all who have prayed for him and the family.

My cousin Michael and his wife Danielle are grandparents. Aria Evans has entered the world on October 29, her mother's birthday.

So many of my friends and their families need prayer that I cannot begin to list them (and in some cases it is confidential), so I offer them to God and to your prayers.

I also offer thanksgiving for the SF Giant's victory tonight because I can't help myself.

--the BB


it's margaret said...

For a holy death. For a holy life. For all those inbetween held in prayer by our beloved brother Paul. Amen.

David said...

Prayers offered
Prayers ongoing- especially for Jack & Bill- both blessed to be loved by the BB