I ask your prayers for Sandi.
Will you please include me on your prayer list? Things kinda rough right now.May Light surround her and radiate from within her.
Feel very dark.
For my nephew Jay who had part of a root canal done yesterday but it needs to be finished next week.
For Diane who has challenges on multiple fronts right now.
For my sister Shirley who recovers from the fender-bender but has a lot of medical catch-up to do.
For my grandniece Hannah who celebrated her birthday yesterday (12 going on 16, says her grandmother).
For myself in that I came down with a chest cold yesterday. Stayed home today and spent many hours sleeping. Plan to continue that all weekend. Among the many with no paid sick live, so I need to get back to work as soon as prudent. Pray for healing and prudence.
For Nate and Ken who move through difficult transitions.
For the unemployed and homeless. For those without natural gas (or other methods of heating) during the winter storms.
For the people of Egypt and transition to a more democratic government. For the people of Yemen, Syria, and Tunisia. For the people of southern Sudan.
For a blessing on the full communion between the Moravian Church in North America and the Episcopal Church.
Continued prayers for Tom and his wife Connie.
Dear family & friends,
Please give great thanks to whatever spiritual power you relate to: the results of the scan are as good as they could be under the circumstances-- he has stage 2, NOT stage 3 [pancreatic] cancer. The tumor is "locally advanced," but has not metastasized to surrounding areas.
This means that instead of a projected 3 to 6 month life span, he may have a year or more; it means that he is a candidate for chemotherapy AND radiation rather than just chemo only. This MAY also mean that if these treatments sufficiently shrink the tumor, the tumor MIGHT be operable. Please keep your prayers going!
What a difference a couple of days and a test make.
Love and Blessings,
Please add your own intercessions and thanksgivings in comments.
--the BB
I'll just say "Amen."
Prayers continuing
And hugs for Paul's healing to radiant robustness
Prayers ascending, and doubling down on Tom and Connie's case.
Feel better, Paul.
For our dearest Paul --that you may indeed be well soon; for 'Manuel, for Randy and Joel.
Thanks. I join in prayer for Manuel, Randy, and Joel. And for you who love them, Margaret.
Sincere prayers for all mentioned here.
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