Thursday, March 10, 2011

Heart thread - 03/10/2010

I ask your prayers for Angie who anxiously awaits results of a biopsy.

For all who are out of work.

For all who stand up to corporate power in the name of workers and those crushed by greed with clout.

For those who rally and fight for freedom, for justice, for equality.

--the BB


Anonymous said...

Prayers Wafting Westward, and across the ocean as well.

June Butler said...

Prayers for all.

susan s. said...

Yes, more prayers. Also for victims of the earthquake and tsumami.

Göran Koch-Swahne said...

Prayers ascending!

BooCat said...

Praying for everyone.

Anonymous said...

Yes indeed.

Sometimes I for one feel like it's *all* I can do.