Friday, December 28, 2007

Sorry about the third day of Christmas

When the French hens are on strike there is little one can do.

--the BB


Fran said...

Ah- the French. What can you do? Still I love them , I do!

Jane R said...

Moi aussi. This reminded me of home! Merci, mon petit Paul. (Petit is not your stature, you know that terms of endearment in Latin languages are always diminutives.)

Your graphics keep getting better and better.

Paul said...

Thanks, Jane. I confess to stealing the French hen photo from some contest for variants (and aberrations) on the twelve days. Will share some more.

The idea of the strike and the attitude of the caption are all mine, however. It is fun to play with graphics.

I really should learn to use my Photoshop.