Tuesday, January 01, 2008

Beryl nails it!

Beryl "the Brick" comments at Fr. Jake's place on Cantuar's New Year address:
I just read it, too, and I am hoping against hope that he means that human relationships, between Episcopalians and Anglicans, are too important to discard. I am hoping again that those at the "top," archbishops and bishops, and priests, are recognizing that it is RELATIONSHIP that is important. God's relationship with us, through Jesus Christ, is grounded in love, and is not about righteousness and rules, and our relationship one with another must also be grounded in His Love. In such love, we do not turn away from one another; we do not decide who does or does not come to join us at the altar; and we do not decide who does or not take part in all the sacraments. It is all a sacred trust given to us so graciously, and there is no one who is to be turned away or "discarded." At least I hope that's what the archbishop meant. Do you think I should write and ask if that's what he meant?
Emphasis is mine. Leonardo Ricardo responds:

I nominate (from the Global Center) beryl Simkins for ++Archbishop of Canterbury (and +Turlock of course)

Thank you, Beryl, for bringing to us a gracious and hope-filled message with which to begin 2008.
--the BB

1 comment:

Kirstin said...

Yes, she did!

Thank you, Beryl (and Paul for highlighting it).