Thursday, June 04, 2009

Thank you, friends

I visited Janet this evening after work. She is doing well. The lymph nodes appeared clean, which is an excellent sign. I told her all kinds of folks were praying for her, including people I have not met. I assured her there would be prayers from Sweden (because I know how reliable Göran is, and he was and there were).

Now that I have her permission, I can share that Janet is my sister-in-law. She thought it odd I would have been so discreet but I felt it courteous not to be more explicit until we had chatted. After all, allowing strangers to pray for one hardly seems, well, Episcopalian! (Teehee)

I had dug out my oil stock and so she was duly anointed with Oil for Healing as I prayed on behalf of the Whole Church Universal for her healing.

My thanks to all of you for your prayers.
--the BB


Brian R said...

Prayers rising from the other side of the world (Australia) as well.

Paul said...

Thanks, Brian. I know y'all are out there and I appreciate it. So does Janet, know that she knows.

Göran Koch-Swahne said...

Give Janet our collective Love!

June Butler said...

Thanks be to God and to our powerful world-wide prayer community.

susankay said...

You know -- all of you in the blogosphere have taught me to pray -- so -- prayers -- and thanks for prelimary news on SIL Janet.