Friday, November 06, 2009


11/03/09 DoD:
Marine Casualty Identified
Sgt. Cesar B. Ruiz, 26, of San Antonio, Texas, died Oct. 31 while supporting combat operations in Helmand province, Afghanistan. He was assigned to Marine Forces Reserve, New Orleans.


The Cunning Runt said...

I find these deaths affecting me more with each passing month; as a parent with twenty-something kids, I can barely imagine the pain of losing them.

And knowing that this pain is multiplied by a thousand the world over on any given day...

Paul said...

It's difficult, Ralph. The world's heartaches are many and grievous. I would not trade the pain for a hardened heart, but, oh, I have to force myself to keep posting. I don't want to fact it day after day. I want to change it but feel that all I can do is keep bearing witness.

June Butler said...

Lord, have mercy.

Paul, thank you for bearing witness.

Göran Koch-Swahne said...

Prayers ascending!