Thursday, November 05, 2009

Breaking through denial - updated

It is time to acknowledge that the Catholic church hierarchy can no longer pretend that it isn't the active enemy of gay people and our families. That this church hierarchy - especially in its more conservative wing - is disproportionately gay itself and waging war against their fellow gays through the cowardly veil of the closet, is not new. But it is, as we flinch with the sting of defeat, harder to take than ever.
--Andrew Sullivan
David Gibson writes at Politics Daily:
And truth be told, Christian groups that oppose gay marriage were certainly active in Maine. In addition to the National Organization for Marriage and the Family Research Council, the Roman Catholic Diocese of Portland, which covers the entire state, pumped resources and staff into promoting a "yes" vote. Bishop Richard Malone called for a special collection at Masses on behalf of Stand for Marriage Maine, the principal coalition fighting to repeal the gay marriage law. The diocese eventually channeled $550,000 to the campaign -- even as Malone announced the closing of five parishes which he said the diocese could no longer afford to operate. Videos denouncing gay marriage were also shown at Mass throughout the diocese.

Cf. Psalm 58

--the BB


June Butler said...

How can the RC Diocese of Portland keep its tax-exempt status even as it orders collections to be taken for political purposes?

I wonder if Sullivan still considers himself part of the RCC. He's been crying for 9 or 10 years now that the RCC doesn't like him, so is it only now that he says the following?

It is time to acknowledge that the Catholic church hierarchy can no longer pretend that it isn't the active enemy of gay people and our families.

Paul said...

Well, perhaps our Andy is just a bit slower than we thought.

Raven~ said...

Paul, and Grandmere

Myself, I think Sully is (not unlike moi-meme) a romantic ... perhaps even helplessly romantic

Romantics have remarkable resilience ... often to their own detriment ;-)


Paul said...

You are probably right, Raven~.

And I consider myself Anglican (old school style) even though I am quite disgusted with the leadership of the Anglican Communion and +Cantuar and am at odds with those who prefer the label Anglican to Episcopalian.

There are complexities, nuances, and outright contradictions in our thought and hearts.

The Cunning Runt said...

My flight from the RC Church was due to my teen-aged perceptions of its bigotry, and as the years pass I'm more and more saddened and certain that I was correct.

As for our spineless political "leaders," few of whom have the sack to insist on full equality under the law...

...I'd better not say what I'm thinking.

June Butler said...

I once read Sullivan regularly as the intelligent opposition until I couldn't take his rather constant laments about the Republican Party and the RCC. I remember thinking, "Leave, go already!"