Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Heart thread - 11/11/2009 - updated

Happy birthday to my brother-in-law Jack, 79 today and, as his daughter reminds us, a vet.

Happy birthday to Bob Pankratz, seminary classmate from many years back.

Happy birthday to Philip Becker Freyder, college classmate from even further back.

Happy birthday tomorrow to Fran.

Roseann celebrated Holy Eucharist at home yesterday evening, inviting us all to be with her in spirit.
Now I can write
Friends, I enjoyed, rejoiced and celebrated HE in a way that is still giving me the chills. I felt so much love and I was able to return that love. I will always be grateful. I could feel you all with me and if love were a color this house would still saturated.

Thank you all for your presence in my life. Thank you, thank you.

Oh, and FYI if I haven't told you already Dr. Kimball says passing should be very gentle, that my heart till just stop. I feel comforted by that fact.

Love you all and I'll try to write more tomorrow.

Love, R
For Molly the Wonder Dog. Susankay writes:
Molly the WonderDog has been diagnosed with Diabetes Insipidus. While another miraculous cure would be lovely, we would be oh so grateful if the prayer legions could ask that it be a treatable variety.
For Lindy in her work in China.

For expectant mothers, especially Rachel, and their families.

For Frank and Carol.

For Jim, Ruthie, and their sons.

For David, Doxy's father, whose cancer has spread, and for Doxy and her family.

For Eileen's friend Mary Beth, of whom Eileen writes:
I figured it’s time for another update on Mary Beth – although really not much has changed. She is now recovering at home and doing fairly well. Her eyesight in one of her eyes it still a problem, and she is still frustrated with that. I again thank all of you who have been praying for her.
For Mimi and Diane in ABQ, both recovering from eye surgery.

For continued healing for Sandra Bess+.

For Diane R. and her new computer.

For oppressed minorities throughout the world.

For those who mourn this day, who weep this night, who cannot sleep, who are far from home or have no home, whose demons taunt them, who know no peace.

For peace.

For those having a colonoscopy tomorrow; you know who you are.

Lord God of hosts, you clothed your servant Martin the soldier with the spirit of sacrifice, and set him as a bishop in your Church to be a defender of the catholic faith: Give us grace to follow in his holy steps, that at the last we may be found clothed with righteousness in the dwellings of peace; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever.

--the BB


June Butler said...

Amen, and amen, and amen. Thank you for the prayers for me, luv.

susankay said...


And thank you.

Wormwood's Doxy said...

Thank you, my friend. Prayers for all...