All seemed fine when we rebooked our flights through Denver instead of Dulles. Alas, it was not weather that scotched it all but a mechanical issue. The flight to Frankfurt last night was canceled, so we spent the night in Denver. The next flight would not have gotten us to Istanbul any sooner than a likely arrival at the hotel around 4 AM Friday, the morning we were supposed to clamber aboard the coach on our way to Gallipoli, Troy, and Çanakkale. Somehow, the thought of seeing Troy after traveling for 2.5 days and having no serious sleep sort of takes the edge off.
So we called the whole thing off and flew home this evening, without ever leaving this time zone.
Proof that we got to Denver follows:

The BB

My BFF, striking the neutral, non-smiling pose.
Well, this was after the flight had been canceled.
Well, this was after the flight had been canceled.
The Denver International Airport

The Denver skyline
And there you have it! Hope you had a fun tour.
We will do it at a later date.
--the BB
I'm sorry to hear this; it must have been a considerable disappointment.
But at least you're home safely, which is a gift not to be overlooked.
Cool shots of Denver, too!
Yeah, you're safely home. And there will be another day!
Oh dear - you have such a good outlook on the whole thing. So sorry this happened.
I hate that airport in Denver, I have been there so many times. I call it the Scareport.
You however, your presence makes the whole place more attractive!
Oh dear - you have such a good outlook on the whole thing. So sorry this happened.
I hate that airport in Denver, I have been there so many times. I call it the Scareport.
You however, your presence makes the whole place more attractive!
Sorry about your lost trip but glad to have you home safe and sound.
My BFF, striking the neutral, non-smiling pose.
Neutral? I dunno.
I love the view of the Rocky Mountains. The picture brings back memories of my first glimpse of the Rockies from the airport before our family headed for the mountains in our rented car for one of our best ever family vacations hiking in the Rocky Mountain National Park. Once in the mountains, I caught John Denver's "Rocky Mountain High" without a whiff of the weed. I'm not joking. I feared that I might leap off the mountain trail in full confidence that I could soar like an eagle.
But that was a long time and another airport ago.
LOL. Well, all right, perhaps not neutral. The funny thing is that he is quite liable to strike this pose under any circumstance; I often have to sneak to get smiles. Many of my coworkers this morning felt his expression captured a great deal of the experience.
The view of Denver and the mountains was from the hotel balcony. I had to use my telephoto lens.
Oh dear..... well.... welcome home. And, at least you don't have to worry about creating a photo album right away, huh!?
Here's looking at you BB --and I am toasting your plans for 'a later date.'
wv: prownin
BFF is prownin neutrally.
Day-um! I'm sorry the Travel Bug bit you in the butt, Paul. :(
Glad to see Denver since I haven't been out there since 2002 despite my sister living there.
Bummer about the trip.
Glad you could enjoy the pics, Caminante. I had hoped to come home in another week with about 2000 photos of Turkey to wade through. Ah well. Another day.
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