Tuesday, October 30, 2007

What sort of hellspawn are they?

Cthulhu image via pathguy

I refer to these evil creatures walking among us and pressing for war on Iran? And cheerleading the iniquitous and barbaric mess in Iraq? I am fast approaching the point where even by faith I can no longer call them human. Evil, evil, evil!

My mother used to speak of situations that made her "lose" her Christianity, which was probably no more than wanting to say "bad" words and harbor uncharitable thoughts. I am way past that point.

If Cheney, Podhoretz, Bloody Bill Krystol, and the entire Kagan family, combined with the idiot boy-king Bush don't scare the hell out of you this Hallowe'en, nothing will.

Instead of giving way to exaggerated and groundless fears, however, it might be more effective if we all acknowledge that not only does the chimperor have no clothes, the whole lot of them have no rationality, no integrity, and no credibility and we therefore collectively and heartily and publicly and repeatedly laugh them to scorn.
--the BB
UPDATE: And when the media and pundits give them any time and attention as though they had anything reasonable, intelligent, or credible to contribute, call the media and pundits on it and ask they why on earth they bother listening to and propagating such steaming piles of feces.

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