Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Many of us are lamenting today

Christy Hardin Smith captures much of what I am feeling in her essay "The Heart of the Democratic Party" at Firedoglake.
With John Edwards dropping out of the Democratic presidential race, we are losing a fierce and committed voice for change and for justice. I, for one, feel that loss like an ache.

One of the signature issues of his campaign -- one that is near and dear to my own heart -- was Edwards' commitment to giving voice to those who have none in our money-driven political process. The Democratic party has long been the champion of the downtrodden and folks in need. Although we have sadly forgotten that obligation to the least of these our bretheren the last few years, the message still resonates here in Appalachia and all over this nation where people are in need of hope, and a little dignity.

John Edwards candidacy has been a daily reminder to pick up the charge of the better angels of our nature, and to speak up against those injustices that too often get shoved to the side for more monied and powerful interests.

I hope she will forgive me going for just one more paragraph, her conclusion:
We are the heart of the Democratic party. We are the change we wish to see. But only if we continue to do the work to make that change possible. Each and every day. I wanted to take some time to thank John and Elizabeth Edwards for being such an inspiration. But it occurs to me that the best thanks that any of us can give them is to keep on doing the necessary work, for a better tomorrow, a better nation, for all of us...

Photo of John Edwards via kk+ (via Firedoglake)

SusanG posts his farewell address at Daily Kos. He gave it in New Orleans, where he began his campaign.
I began my presidential campaign here to remind the country that we, as citizens and as a government, have a moral responsibility to each other, and what we do together matters. We must do better, if we want to live up to the great promise of this country that we all love so much.
Do not turn away from these great struggles before us. Do not give up on the causes that we have fought for. Do not walk away from what's possible, because it's time for all of us, all of us together, to make the two Americas one.

Thank you. God bless you, and let's go to work. Thank you all very much.
Thank you, John and Elizabeth, from the bottom of my heart.

Now, if you will excuse me, I need to cry a bit.
--the BB


Fran said...

You know I agree completely...

Paul said...

Fran, I saw your post and had to add my own. Bummed.