Monday, February 09, 2009

Heart thread - 02/09/2009 - updated

I would appreciate it if you would ask for prayers for my rector and his wife. They have been going through some serious adjustments after they moved Andrew's father who is old and frail in with them after Christmas. And today Andrew called to say that Terri has been diagnosed with breast cancer.

I and they would appreciate some heavy lifting from your prayer community.


Y'all know what to do.

Lisa the Goth has an update on her other half, Ian, and we certainly need to keep them in our prayers as the medics treat his very serious infection and hope to save his hip.

Also at OCICBW:
I just received a message from one of my closest friends in the states. They had put her mother in a nursing home last weekend due to a rapidly progressing dementia. She has completely shut down, won't eat, drink, etc. My friend is very upset and we normally are each others' support system. Now, I'm on the other side of the planet. Her note to me concluded with "pray, pray, pray". She's a firm believer in the power of prayer and has supported me when I wasn't.

Thank you,
We want to continue holding Jane R in our prayers.

A roundup of reports on the fires in Australia and their aftermath chez FranIAm - ongoing prayers for all affected.

I bid your prayers for the Episcopal Diocese of Fort Worth as it begins anew. Read Katie's post for a glimpse of the new beginning.
As the procession entered the church, a woman turned and saw Katharine and burst into tears. Katharine stopped, put her hands on her shoulders and said, ‘Everything’s going to be all right.”
Just because the struggle is long, we do not forget Kirstin who writes of Toughness, triumph, transformation.

And let's not forget Fluffy and her family.

Margaret offers prayers for many.

I ask your prayers for my friend Kathy who faces surgery next month.

For the long-term unemployed and the newly unemployed, for the chronically homeless and the newly homeless, for those struggling with addiction, confusion, and despair.

For the healing of the earth and her peoples.

Feel free to add your own prayers.


I don't know what brain fart let me not mention Mimi and her family. I hope she knows they are in my prayers whether I type it here or not.
--the BB


Lindy said...

Thanks, Paul, for your good heart which keeps the important things ever before us.

Счастливый случай ученость Русский

Paul said...

Thank you, Linday.


Is there no rest for the weary? Homework from you too!

Happy opportunity/occasion learning Russian?

Fran said...

Oh my dear Paul - the generosity here is such a beautiful gift to behold and to be a part of.

Prayers all around, for one and all mentioned here and for so many others.