Sunday, March 08, 2009

Hear thread - 03/08-2009

Lisa has an update today on Ian. Things seem to be stabilizing and gradually improving but it remains dicey. You may read it all here (and send a note of caring if inclined).

h/t to MP at OCICBW, of course.

My great-grandnieces, Clara and Olivia, were serenaded by a harp. Here on earth. At the hospital. How cool is that? You can read about it, with photos, here.

--the BB


Göran Koch-Swahne said...

RE your sweet little great grandnieces (just how old are you?), I find it strange and wonderful to contemplate the fact that I too has been in such a crib. My twin sister was in one to the side... We weren't small by today's standards - but in 1953..

We call it "kuvös" over here (from French Couveuse - not sure there is such a word ;=).

The Latin term (history of religions) is in-cubatio, to contemplate a spot in the skye, originally - and then go out with the new insights obtained in the process.

June Butler said...

Paul, I started to leave a message at the website of the twins saying I was a friends of their good-for-nothing great-granduncle, but I decided that I'd better not.

Clara and Olivia are little dears. I continue to pray for them and for the family not to worry too much. Thanks for the link. The girls seem to have a lot of spirit which is great.