Monday, March 09, 2009

Heart thread - 03/09/2009

I ask your prayers for Mike, a coworker, who is in h0spital with blood clots in his lungs.

And for my friend Diane who had a bout of food poisoning yesterday and is now all right but quite exhausted.

My friend Kathy wrote:
I ask your indulgence in starting a prayer among your many readers for my coworker Ranae - whose baby son was taken to the hospital two days ago and hooked up to an IV - failure to thrive. He was born with a cleft palate and is having trouble nursing and therefore thriving. She's a single mom, holding down a full-time job and caring for her son on her own. Perhaps now would be a good time to remind her that she is never really alone at all...

I also got this e-mail today:
Kathryn, Parish Administrator of St. Michael and All Angels, asks for prayer for her sister, Janet. Janet is in ICU with complications from oxygen deprivation. Kathryn asks that as we hold her sister before God we pray for the best and highest possible healing for Janet and ask that the time remaining in this earthly journey be one of quality and joy.

Continuing prayers for Sister Ellie.

For the repose of the soul of Catherine, daughter of Bosco Peters.

For Jane R's friends P and B.

For Kirstin, and for Ian and Lisa, and Fluffy, and a safe return from journeying for TCR.

For Clara and Olivia.

And for my own leg which must be healing but it is sooooooo slow. I skipped Russian class, came home, proppped it up on the end of the couch and let the television run for hours. Finally came upstairs and am now headed to bed.


Let your Spirit, O Lord, come into the midst of us to wash us with the pure water of repentance, and prepare us to be always a living sacrifice to you; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen.

--the BB


Ellie Finlay said...

Thank you for the prayers, Paul. I'm actually feeling a bit better today. They've got these cool things now - Lydocaine patches. Horribly expensive but they sure cut down on the pain.

Göran Koch-Swahne said...

Prayers ascending!

Fran said...

I join you today and always in prayer, for each person listed here and for so many other needs.

Take good care of that leg - I know you did the right thing by skipping class and putting it up.

Blessings, healing, consolation, mercy,peace for all.

susankay said...

Keep the damn leg up! We need you to get well.

Rodger Bailey said...

I pray for all you have listed. I pray for Kathy's friend Ranae and for the child. Please let her know there is a new site about Failure To Thrive which provides an opportunity to ask questions and chat with parents and experts.


it's margaret said...

like what Fran said. Blessings on you. And rest.