One of the great intercessors, our David@Montreal, asks us to join in holding these before God.
dear beloved Giants of Prayer and PracticeLet us also remember David, who asks for others and not for himself.
your loving thoughts and prayers are asked for
our dear Elizabeth's brother John- who John, with great grace is struggling to live with dignity and grace the effects of a voracious alzheimer diagnosis
my cousin Frank: though the doctors are encouraged with the progress of his gene therapy ( slow but definately progressive with only a 9/10 match) he has spent most of the time since my last prayer call in hospital, fighting c-difficile, and now c-difficile and pneumonia. Mam spoke with Frank and Carol yesterday, their spirits are good but they definately need your love and prayers
Rose, staggering under the sudden, unexpected death of her idntical twin (Rose is the backbone of the St. Patrick's Society here, and a former work colleague)
Ron for whole man healing, for Rachel his spouse living the reality of M.S, and for our beloved A.P.B. & B.F
dear Dorian, living the reality of MS with such spunk and courage, for her mother, our dear friend Huguette
Louyse, Barbi, Sandra, D.W. for discernment
healing for Jonathan ( the elder) a man of extraordinary grace; grace & insight for his doctors as they have yet to discover what's really going on
Jonathan (Jr) for whole man healing; body & soul
healing of body, spirit and mind for Rose-Ann
our dear Sister E. and the folks at St. John's as the pray and practice to know God's will for their way forward
Merline, Susan, Shu-Tan, John, Lori, William, Eleanor, Imelda, Anne-Chantal, Jane, Anne-Marie, Thiery struggling with the hard reality of unemployment, and for all those left homeless,unemployed and underemployed by this current hard economic reality
Marley for healing
Jane & John for healing into Life
and two things, much on my heart these days: for the women of Islam who, with the grace of the Holy Spirit will be the salvation of Islam- leading it out of feudal misogeny; and for our beloved Communion- even if it only continues to effectively function in the mind of the Holy Spirit, that She will indeed have Her way with us- only and all to God's Greater Glory
and for you my beloved Giants, for your needs and intentions, for those near and dear to you, for those you know in need.
Friend Robin shares on FB:
Tough week or so, my son's grandmother and my former mother-in-law who was a wonderful mom to me is so very ill and not expected to live for more than a few months. We had some great conversations about how she and I fell in love with "our" baby - her first grandchild and my first baby!Friend Richard "is contemplating a new path."
Friend Barbara shares with us Article 25 of The United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights:
(1) Everyone has the right to a standard of living adequate for the health and well-being of himself and of his family, including food, clothing, housing and medical care and necessary social services, and the right to security in the event of unemployment, sickness, disability, widowhood, old age or other lack of livelihood in circumstances beyond his control.
She adds: "Anyway, that's where I'm coming from. Health care as a basic inalienable human right...."
The indomitable Roseann informs us:
I'm going to go to church Sunday. My friend Kim is meeting me in the Narthex at 10:15 and she promised she would stop people from trying to hug me. Don't get me wrong, I love hugs, it is just that I'm a little fragile right now and bruise easily. I'm very excited to be going to church. Terri said she expected a rather low turnout being a holiday weekend but I wouldn't care if it was just me and Kim.On FB she just posted: "Hotcakes and a great cup of coffee. " Continued prayers for her and Gary.
Razorback opening game is tomorrow. Go Hogs!
For Kirstin, still working her way back to the new normal.
For Fran and her courage and compassion in the new blog, There Will Be Bread.
I look on with horror and offer this to Godde:
West Bank settlement growth looks likelyFor firefighters and those in danger:
Los Angeles Times - Richard Boudreaux - 10 hours ago
A decision by Israel's Netanyahu to build hundreds of new homes prompts a US expression of 'regret.' Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu will reportedly approve hundreds of new housing units in West Bank settlements before slowing settlement construction ...
Israël voudrait relancer la colonisation en Cisjordanie avant d ...
Le Monde - Il y a 2 heures
En langage diplomatique, lorsque l'administration américaine dit "regretter" une initiative de l'un de ses alliés, cela équivaut à une condamnation. Cette réaction de la Maison Blanche, vendredi 4 septembre, faisait suite à des informations de ...
Sarkozy et Abbas dénoncent la colonisation israélienne Le Figaro
L'UE critique la poursuite de la colonisation israélienne en ... nouvelobs.com
Fire starter's intent is the key to possible murder chargeFor the unemployed in all nations:
Los Angeles Times - Carol J. Williams, Richard Winton - 10 hours ago
If the Station blaze was started on purpose, authorities say, the arsonist could be given the death penalty. Firefighters salute as the procession for Ted Hall, killed in the Station fire, passes on the 210 Freeway.
US jobless rate soars to 26-year high of 9.7%For peace throughout the Middle East and Central Asia:
Detroit Free Press - Christopher S. Rugaber - 7 hours ago
AP The national unemployment rate jumped to 9.7% in August, the highest since 1983, reflecting a poor job market that will make it hard for the economy to begin a sustained recovery.
Iraq sends extra police to Syrian borderFor peaceful progress and the well-being of all peoples:
CNN International - 4 hours ago
BAGHDAD, Iraq (CNN) -- Iraqi authorities have sent additional national police brigades to the border with Syria amid heightened tensions between the two ...
Ahmadinejad y Chávez quieren apoyar a las "naciones revolucionarias"For those imperiled by tropical storms:
AFP - hace 46 minutos
TEHERAN — El presidente iraní Mahmud Ahmadinejad y su homólogo venezolano Hugo Chávez, principal aliado de Teherán en América Latina, se comprometieron el sábado a apoyar a las "naciones revolucionarias" y los "frente antiimperialistas", ...
Miles de damnificados por las lluvias en SonoraFor a restoration of peace in Gabon:
El Diario de Yucatán - hace 1 hora
Las históricas lluvias ocasionadas por “Jimena” en Sonora dejaron en los municipios de Guaymas y Empalme 193000 afectados y 72500 damnificados, de acuerdo con reportes de los ayuntamientos. Las autoridades no descartan que las cifras aumenten, ...
Jimena deja 2 muertos y más de 200 mil damnificados en Sonora La Jornada (México)
Otros 72 mil damnificados deja “Jimena” en Sonora El Universal (México)
La France se veut neutre au Gabon, minimise les violencesFor the Earth:
L'Express - Il y a 14 minutes
STOCKHOLM - La France rapelle qu'elle conservera une position de neutralité entre opposants politiques au Gabon après l'annonce de la victoire contestée d'Ali Bongo à l'élection présidentielle. Paris a par ailleurs minimisé les violences qui ont visé ...
Au Gabon, l'opposition, divisée et sans voix, semble en plein désarroi Le Monde
Gabon: Total confirme avoir évacué ses employés de Port-Gentil nouvelobs.com
New clashes rock Gabon city
AFP - 4 hours ago
PORT-GENTIL, Gabon - French oil giant Total pulled its foreign staff out of Gabon's second city Saturday as security forces clashed anew with protesters opposed to the election of Ali Bongo as president.
Urgent: Improved climate talksFor those who travel far above the planet:
Jakarta Post - 7 hours ago
The US position is that all countries should be put on an equal footing. Going into the negotiations, developing countries have pledged to take mitigation measures, but will do this on their own, and they have agreed to submit so-called nationally ...
Youth across Canada plan for united front at international climate ... The Canadian Press
Current economic growth model is 'immoral', says Prescott guardian.co.uk
Sights, Smells Shock Rookie Discovery AstronautsAnd for those who travel on a holiday weekend, the last outing before the fall in US culture.
FOXNews - 1 hour ago
For rookie astronauts flying aboard the International Space Station, the food is good, the rocket thrusters are loud and there's an odd tang in the air - apparently from outer space.
Astronauts relish space's international food court The Associated Press
Astronauts give the lowdown on life in space Houston Chronicle
For those killed, injured, or endangered by earthquakes:
More Indonesian quakes tippedMight we have cooperation without war games?
The Australian - Stephen Fitzpatrick - Sep 4, 2009
LANDSLIDES like the one that killed at least 57 Indonesians in Wednesday's Indian Ocean earthquake are likely to be repeated across the archipelago as the annual wet season builds.
Team struggling to locate more quake victims Jakarta Post
Indonesia: Quake Toll Rises to 64 New York Times
China war games 'necessary'
ABC Online - Sep 3, 2009
Australian strategists are considering trilateral war games with China and the US. (Department of Defence) Australian Strategic Policy Institute analyst Dr Andrew Davies says it is a good idea for Australia and the United States to conduct trilateral ...
US and Australia look to closer military links with China Radio Australia
Military exercises with Australia, US still on table Sydney Morning Herald
As you can see, Google has restored links to its international news editions (finally!).
O heavenly Father, who hast filled the world with beauty: Open our eyes to behold thy gracious hand in all thy works; that, rejoicing in thy whole creation, we may learn to serve thee with gladness; for the sake of him through whom all things were made, thy Son Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
--the BB
Lord, hear our prayers.
Prayers for all. Every time I post a comment on Elizabeth Kaeton's blog it disappears into the unknown but hopefully my prayers do not.
And yes, while it is a good thing that Australia might be encouraging cooperation between the US and China, I wish it could be achieved by more worthwhile activities than wargames. "The boys with their toys".
Prayers ascending for all and singular!
Paul - somehow I missed this back when you posted it. I know that you know that I am always grateful for you, but I did want to say so right here... albeit with tardiness.
Tardiness implies no less love and no less gratitude!
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