Thursday, October 29, 2009

Heart thread - 10/29/2009

For my brother-in-law Jack and my sister Shirley. My niece writes that Jack is "sucking down" water all day long, which he needs for his bad kidneys. The stress test showed no heart issues but he is seeing a doctor for that anyway. Shirley is mostly housebound.

For Toujoursdan who is " healing nicely. I still have a hole in my back but the doctors see lots of improvement. The changing and repacking today was much less painful than the past few days."

For Mother Sandra:
Dear Friends,
Your prayers are so powerful! Thank you for taking the time to offer them to God.
As to my condition, my wound nurse feels I am healing at a good rate. I am convinced it is due to all of the prayers. So I will continue my healing process at Kindred for now.
Blessings and love to all of you.
Vaya con Dios,
Mother Sandra
PJ "has just had a short story accepted by The Adirondack Review!!! Join me in a virtual champagne toast, please!" Thanksgiving on this front.

For Roseann: "Still in a lot of pain. My priest just came by with a ton of food for us. Gary will have surgery again on Monday. Raining and pouring, literally and figuratively."

For my former classmate Raven who celebrated his natal festivity today.

Thanksgiving on behalf of Dear Friend who got good news this evening.

For Frank and Carol, for Joel, for Myron.

For warriors of righteousness (go, Doxy!).

For all afflicted with colds or flu (of any kind) or unspecified crud that they may soon be restored to health.

Thanksgiving for all who continue to offer wish list items or assistance or contributions or prayers for Our Saviour.

I offer thanks for the beauty of a brief bit of snow today that made the world lovely and then graciously melted before we wound up driving on ice.

For peace throughout the Middle East and Central Asia.

For upcoming elections in Afghanistan - may they be free and fair.

For victims of violence of every kind - physical, sexual, emotional, spiritual.

For an increase in small daily graces that we may all act more compassionately toward one another.

--the BB


June Butler said...

Prayers for all.

Göran Koch-Swahne said...

Prayers ascending!