Monday, February 22, 2010

Heart thread - 02/22/3010

Catching up on prayers here. Some are specific to today, some go back a week or so.

A Happy and Blessed Anniversary to Nancy and Jeremy!

Happy Birthday to Stan!

For Bruce who is battling a nasty post-operative infection.

For Jack following mouth surgery.

For Lindy traveling to Shanghai.

Prayers for Sandy and those who love her. LJ writes:
Sandy, my canine companion of many years, appears to have had a stroke. This is at least her second, possibly her third.
For Molly the Wonder Dog (this is a very tardy request but prayer crosses time and space). Susankay asked a while back:
Please prayers for Molly the WonderDog -- she just had a long and bad seizure -- the first in almost two years. She is still freaked out and very sad.
For Mimi's daughter's family who had to say goodbye to Max, their beloved cocker spaniel.

For restoration of my tooth, the outer third of which broke off from its fillings this weekend.

For all those journeying through the wilderness - of Lent, of life, or of physical geography.

For the people of Haiti.

--the BB


susan s. said...

Prayers from here.

susankay said...

Paul -- Molly and I thank you for the prayer request -- it makes sense that since God isn't bounded by time prayers to God are time-irrelevant. Molly seems to be doing better again.

Prayers for all -- you and your tooth especially if only because Brad is coping with a recent extraction since one of his teeth fractured 9/10's of the way down to the end of the root.

And prayers of thanksgiving from me -- I saw my pulmonary doc last week (routine visit for those of us with COPD) and discovered to everyone's surprise that my lung function had IMPROVED from 49% to 54%.

Any day now I'll climb Everest.

June Butler said...

Paul, thanks for the prayers for my daughter and her family.

Prayers for all mentioned here.

Paul said...

Wonderful news, Susankay. May you continue to improve.

Göran Koch-Swahne said...

Prayers continuing!