Sunday, August 29, 2010

Heaert thread - 08/29/2010

I ask your prayers for my sister Shirley. Our Little Sister writes:
Saw Shirley at home later today. The blocked arteries are the bypasses she had four years ago. One is 30%, one 100% (blocked) and the other is clear. Dr. told them three years ago when she had a stent put in that they are working on developing a larger stent and that is what she needs. Still is not available. He changed her meds a bit and took her off her multivitamin.
Sister Ellie asked our prayers on Friday:
Please pray and/or think good thoughts for my little great-nephew, James ..., who was born late Tuesday night and baptized just yesterday. He is undergoing open-heart surgery this morning at 10:00 (Eastern time, USA) at the University of Virginia Medical School Hospital. He will die within a month's time without the surgery.

Also pray for his young mother, Jane (my niece), and her husband, Chris, as well as Sam and Susan (my brother and his wife.) As if the baby's illness weren't enough, Susan just got back suspicious mammogram results. She has already been through a bout of breast cancer so this is very worrying.

Thank you all more than I can say. Blessings to all.

She had this update yesterday:
Little James came through his eight hour heart surgery but is now on a ventilator as he can't breathe on his own. The word is that he will stay on it another two days and then they will try to wean him off.

Thank you all for your concern and good thoughts and prayers.
Ongoing prayers for Kirstin, battling cancer, and for Joel and Margaret dealing with his myasthenia gravis, for David's friend Rosemary in her final journey.

For the people of Pakistan suffering from floods.

For the trapped Chilean miners and those who work to rescue them.

For those threatened by the eruption of Mount Sinabung in Indonesia.

For those who lack food this day or shelter this night.

For families torn apart by strife.

For mass systemic metanoia so the denizens of this planet may cope with the ever-nearing consequences of climate change.

Κυριε ελεησον
Χριστε ελεησον
Κυριε ελεησον

--the BB


June Butler said...

Prayers for all.

It's good to be home.

David said...

Prayers and tears offered

susankay said...

Prayers for all -- and I also ask them for Peggy -- a vibrantly healthy member of Integrity and Daughters of the King (a sadly unusual combination) who was (out of the blue) dignosed with stage 4 lung cancer. She grew up on "the big Rez", speaks Navajo as a result, skis devotedly and is a prayer warrior. And now she needs our prayers -- for freedom from fear and for healing. Also prayers for her husband Richard.

Paul said...

Prayers for Peggy and Richard, absolutely.

Ellie Finlay said...

Dearest Paul, how is Shirley? Can you let us know?

Also, I commit myself to prayer for Peggy and Richard. How are they faring, Susankay?

Paul said...

Ellie, I will give updates as I get them.

Göran Koch-Swahne said...

Prayers ascending!