Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Dissembler in chief-updated

Some enterprising freeway blogger

Or perhaps it's "disassembler in chief," given how Bush has dismantled so much that had been built up over the decades to foster the common good and preserve our democracy.

Juan Cole addresses once more the bushwa that King George IV routinely shovels. He prefaces his response to the SOTU speech thus:
As usual, most of what he said in the State of the Union address was transparent lies. He praised private groups for doing charity work in Louisiana because he hasn't followed through on his own promises after Katrina. He did that phony thing of reporting the average tax "increase" if his "tax cuts" were allowed to expire. If I'm in the room with someone who made a billion dollars last year and Bush doesn't cut my taxes at all but he cuts those of the billionaire such that he saves 5% of his income, then the two of us in the room have an average tax cut of $25 million apiece. But in the real world, I get bupkus and the billionaire gets $50 million. That shell game sums up the Republican "tax cut" scam they keep running on the American middle class, which always falls for it.
Read it all here.

Center for American Progress has an article by Daniel J. Weiss looking at Bush's words on energy issues vs. reality. They also compare Bush on troop withdrawals and the sadder reality.

There are many other sites contrasting W's words with his actual record or with reality outside Bush's bubble. I especially recommend a visit to Think Progress. Just scroll down for refutation after refutation.

Let us be grateful we will not have to hear him stand before Congress and the nation and peddle bullshit again. Alas, he has many months left in which to inflict damage and disaster on the nation and the world. It will take decades to undo the damage he has already done. We should not deceive ourselves about the immensity of that task. Yet we must take it up if we love our nation and if we would seek the life of the world.

Bush's false assessment of Afghanistan gets reassessed at National Security Network.
Washington, D.C.-A fact check from the National Security Network on President Bush's State of the Union comments regarding Afghanistan show the country is still in a state of disrepair. Bush claimed that:

A nation that was once a safe haven for al Qaida is now a young democracy where boys and girls are going to school, new roads and hospitals are being built, and people are looking to the future with new hope.

On each point, Bush is absolutely wrong.

Click the link for details.
h/t to Nicole Belle at Crooks and Liars

See updates on post above for other analyses of Bush's "inaccuracies."

--the BB


June Butler said...

Well, Paul, you're on a roll today. I had to dissect the speech and take out the piece of it that applies to my territory. It's a kind of denial, I suppose. It doesn't matter what he says anyway. He will do what he wants.

Is that a real banner or did you doctor the picture?

Paul said...

I saw your post on SOTU and the Gulf. He has done so badly by you all. I marvel that Barb and Poppy can face society, having spawned such an evil.

The real thing. Check out the Freeway Blogger and see many more similar works. The FB, aka the Scarlet Pimpernel [of our day] used to be in Southern California then moved to the Bay Area. I loved driving by the signs when they were on freeways I drove.
