Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Castro will be stepping down

Headline at The Christian Science Monitor:
After nearly 50 years in power, Fidel effectively hands the reins to his younger brother, Raúl Castro.
The Monitor also notes:
Still, many experts say that little will change so long as Castro is alive. "It's not clear what his continuing hovering presence means for the country," says Dennis Hays, former official of the Cuban-American National Foundation, an organization dedicated to replacing Castro's regime with a market-based government. "No one wants to make a move while the 'jefe' [boss] is still alive.... If the Cuban government moves in any way that repudiates the ways of [Castro], it undermines the whole legitimacy of the power structure."
Atrios has a similar observation from a different angle:
When I say nothing will change, I meant specifically that US policy towards Cuba is unlikely to change. "Freedom and Democracy" in Cuba is just code for "give all the property back to the exiles" and that's unlikely to happen as it's all been bought up by European investors.
AP Photo from 2007 from here

The Canadian Press offers a timeline of "Key dates in Fidel Castro's government in Cuba" here.

--the BB


Padre Mickey said...

The wankers, er, I mean, the Most Holy Folks at Titus 1:9 (who know much more about everything, both religious and political than we) were going on about how freedom would finally come to Cuba now. I said nothing was going to change, and that, actually, perhaps the folks in Cuba would like to wait until a U.S. president who actually respects and understands democracy was in office.

I was called sophomoric, and one person said, "Padre Mickey needs to know that Democracy doesn't mean 'the Democrats always win.'" I answered, "Democracy is when the democrats always win."

Paul said...

Good for you, Mickey.

I would never comment there. It was freaky enough when Kendall quoted me and I got 300 visits in one day.

Your comment was true and to the point. I would be tempted to say rude things like "Spay or neuter your Republican. It's the loving thing to do!"

Alas, Poppy and Babs missed such love.

Padre Mickey said...

Geez, they all attacked me as they don't see the difference between "democrat" and "Democrat!"

What a bunch!!

Paul said...

YOu made the mistake of crediting them with literacy, Padre. Generous of you, but ill-advised.

johnieb said...

I think you're both being silly, except for the "spay or neuter your Republican" part. Why give these toads any attention: Republicans or T19, same difference.

Paul said...

johnieb, by now you know that Mickey and I wear "silliness" as a badge of pride. What on earth do you expect? Of course we are.

I avoid T19 like the plague, and the viler sites even more so. Waste of time. I don't waste time arguing politics with Rethug either, unless they are wavering.