Sunday, May 02, 2010

Weekend echoes

I have already posted these tulips at Facebook. I had quite forgotten where the tulips were planted this year. Much earlier I had pale yellow double tulips along the north wall (in front of where the north wall border now is). I now have all of two - count them: two - double tulips in a darker yellow with hints of red.

I really got carried away with this particular climbing rose. There is this one, flourishing along the west wall, another in the middle of the yard, and one on the south wall. All three are blooming and quite stunning.

The Lemon Zest petunias at the base make for what I deem a nice color combination. The lighter green bushes in front are coral carpet roses. They do not get very tall but they will, later on, offer a seemingly endless profusion of small coral single roses that will complement the climber behind them.

Today was mostly dark and cloudy with bits of rain. I stayed inside.

--the BB

1 comment:

The Cunning Runt said...

These are so beautiful! You're ahead of us, but our dooryard is popping now, and I hope to get some shots up this week.