Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Heart thread - 06/15/2010

Jane R asks our prayers:
Next time you check these comments, do ask the folk to pray for our parishioner Tom, age about 80, who is having open heart surgery (bypass) tomorrow Wednesday here in Greensboro. He is a dear and we are understandably concerned. My own daddy had a triple bypass around age 85 and it went well, and he is alive and kicking at 91 and a half, but one never knows when the person is more than four score.
I ask your prayers for Elizabeth and her brother and the whole family. If you have not already, please read her moving post, "Blackbird, fly." This is an ongoing prayer request.

Likewise we remember Frank and Jim and Janet and Lolly and John Bear and all those who love them.

I ask your fervent prayers for our sister Kirstin. She shares her journey with us.

For Jonathan and the Missus.

For the Executive Council of TEC meeting in Baltimore.

For the waters, soil, and air of the Gulf of Mexico. For those who have lost their lives in the explosion. For all the creatures of earth and sea. For the people whose livelihood is in danger. For the healing of the earth, God's Body. For all who work to help the healing.

For Diane and Spirit.

For Jack and his family.

For those facing deadlines that involve a great deal of their vocation.

For the confidential prayer requests entrusted to each of us, the secret needs, the private anguish, those in their personal darkness that need us to hold them in the light.

For peace in Kyrgyzstan, for healing of ethnic strife, for those murdered.

For deliverance from drug violence in Mexico.

For an end to so-called honor killings (story).

For those killed or lost or dispossessed in torrential rains: in Arkansas, Oklahoma, and the French department of Var.

For all who, for whatever reason, find themselves beginning over again. May they find grace, strength, and courage to move forward.

Let us pray.

--the BB


Kirstin said...

Thank you.

Ellie Finlay said...

For all who, for whatever reason, find themselves beginning over again. May they find grace, strength, and courage to move forward.

Another truly excellent prayer.

And yes, fervent prayers for Kirstin.