Thursday, October 25, 2007

My momma had a saying

All right, y'all know I'm a phony not from the South and when she was alive I called her "mother" and not momma, but my momma had a mouth on her and I love to recall some of her sayings.

One of those was: "How can anyone be so stupid and live?"

I think we have met the die-hard Bush supporters.

Christ, have mercy.

You had it right, Mom, you had it right.

h/t to Hoffmania for the video
--the BB


Padre Mickey said...

Well, that was depressing!
Do you really think they are all that stupid or just pretending for the camera?
The lack of geographical knowledge was just stunning.
An' that's wut maiks 'murica the greatest cuntry in the worl'!

Paul said...

Sorry to harsh your buzz, Padre. It is depressing but it also infuriates me. Why do we, as a nation, put such a low value on knowing about the world we live in? Americans have scored über-depressingly low on geographic knowledge for many years.

Perhaps my vision of the world expanded when I was in the stamp collecting club in elementary school, learning how to spell Czechoslovakia and looking at stamps from around the world. In retrospect I have to thank our principal, and stamp club sponsor, Mr. Buckalew (no matter how much I did not care for him at the time).

That people can be fooled by a phony map into thinking Australia, for heaven's sake, is North Korea, or France (what is this world coming to?), simply boggles the mind.

And that anyone would be ignorant enough to believe a word that comes out of Bush's mouth is simply too frightening to contemplate. But denial is not the answer.

Aw shit, now I've harshed my own buzz (or whatever kicked in from my one glass of wine at dinner).

Moral: DO NOT VOTE FOR ANY POLITICIAN WHO HAS BEEN, IS, OR MIGHT BE A BUSH ENABLER regardless of their party affiliation. Boot the Republicans and all the Bush Dogs out. Send DiFi into the ash heap where she belongs (I am thinking about her more recent record but back when I lived in California she voted for an anti-flag burning amendment to the Constitution; can you imagine a more useless waste of time about something utterly non-threatening to our nation raised to the level of foundational law? SSJOAS!)