Wednesday, January 21, 2009

From the pen of John Sherffius

Via Hoffmania

Musical accompaniment: Morning from the Peer Gynt Suite by Edvard Grieg (tarted up and with pretty pictures):

--the BB


Fran said...

Ahhhhh- it is morning! And a good one.

Loving that label too!!

Fran said...

Ahhhhh- it is morning! And a good one.

Loving that label too!!

Paul said...

Ah, FranIAm, how nice to see you visiting; I know time is hard to find.

It does seem that sunshine and fresh air are suddenly all around us. The Cheney-Bush miasma dissipates.

The label just came to me. There are so many reasons to say SCREW REAGAN, this is just one more.