Sunday, February 01, 2009

Seeing my brother in Christ in action

You've all heard of Daniel Gutierrez' ordination to the priesthood on the Feast of la Virgencita.

Today he presided and preached at the Eucharist at San Gabriel Mission. It was a great joy to witness.

Padre Daniel y Diácona Karly
con los dones de Dios
para el pueblo de Dios.

The mission reminds me a lot of Good Shepherd in Berkeley, California. Lots of clergy hanging out there. We had at least five priests present today (and it seems a visitor is a priest too, which brings it up to six). Scary, no? Actually it means this a place we enjoy hanging out. We also take turns preaching.

We share a lot at San Gabriel. The colorful retablo panels in the background and the crucifix in the larger cross are loans from one priest and the chasuble Daniel is wearing is from my vestment collection. The banners were made by a parishioner who has also made a couple of other chasubles. A lovely Russian-style icon of Gabriel the Archangel adorns the worship space. The Altar was made by another parishioner. And there is so much more that has gone into creating a community and the physical means to make Eucharist together with faith and love and beauty. It's a good place to be.
--the BB


Fran said...

That sounds so nice, I wish I could go worship there with you!

Paul said...

Fran, when you get here again - and I know it's not in the cards for anytime soon - we certainly can do that. Albuquerque awaits you (and the whole YouAre family).

Padre Mickey said...

Ah, the Mass at Good Shepherd, Berkeley is so holy!

Jane R said...

Dat's my old congregation, Good Shepherd! :-)

The liturgy at San Gabriel sounds lovely, Pablito.