Sunday, February 01, 2009

Sunset last night (with gardening update)

I don't have a fancy camera like TCR (and wouldn't have the faintest idea what to do with it if I did), but here is a shot out my office window of the eastern sky at sunset yesterday.

Today began as another beautiful winter day, though feeling a bit colder than yesterday. By the time I got out of brunch it was gray overhead and cooler. By the time I got out of Lowe's with more mulch (and another clematis and some honeysuckle), it was very gray, very chilly, and very windy.

While my digs on the far south end of town tend to be warmer and milder than the north end of town, this is not a yard day, so I'm staying inside. This means I hope to plant next weekend. With bare root plants this should be no problem.

Thus, no planting reports for today.
--the BB

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