Saturday, March 28, 2009

Queremos justicia - updated

Jane R pointed me to this gratifying piece of news:
NEW YORK (Reuters) – A top Spanish court has moved toward starting a probe of six former Bush administration officials including ex-Attorney General Alberto Gonzales in connection with alleged torture of prisoners at Guantanamo Bay, The New York Times said on Saturday.

The criminal investigation would focus on whether they violated international law by providing a legalistic justification for torture at the U.S. detention camp in Cuba, the Times said.

The paper said the National Court in Madrid had assigned the case to judge Baltasar Garzon, known for ordering the arrest of former Chilean dictator Augusto Pinochet.

Garzon has accepted the case and sent it to the prosecutor's office for review, the newspaper said, citing an official close to the case.

The complaint, prepared by Spanish lawyers with the help of U.S. and European legal experts, also names John Yoo, the former Justice Department lawyer who wrote secret legal opinions saying the president had the authority to circumvent the Geneva Conventions, and Douglas Feith, the former undersecretary of defense for policy.

Spain can claim jurisdiction in the case because five Spanish citizens or residents who were prisoners at Guantanamo Bay say they were tortured there.
In the name of justice and the rule of law, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes!

Pity that Congress and the courts in the United States are too pusillanimous to do it.


See also dday's article here, where there is more discussion of the issues.

Mcjoan also discusses torture investigations in the UK and Spain here.

--the BB

1 comment:

it's margaret said...

Ha! Too big a word for Congress, dear man.... too big.

But, I too, am glad there is action being taken.