Thursday, May 20, 2010


This evening I tore out some plants that were not doing well and put in some new ones that I hope will thrive. I watered. And I had supper.

Thin slices of roasted pork loin with a reduction of pork juice, white wine, and butter, all garnished with parsley from the yard; a sliced avocado with lemon juice on a bed of wilted spring greens. (Chased with calories we shall not name.)

I am cooking for myself more often. For years this was a few-times-a-year phenomenon. I take it as a good sign.

Tonight my body feels the yard work more than it does when I spend hours and hours in the yard on a Saturday. Feh.

--the BB


Wormwood's Doxy said...

I get such vicarious pleasure from your food posts....

Paul said...

I am glad it gives you pleasure too. I love talking about food. I owe this to The Cunning Runt whose Dinner with TCR series is truly inspiring. He has not been cooking that much of late but I am sure he will again in summer. He uses so much gathered from nature in his cooking.