Saturday, December 22, 2007

Maintaining our standards

Every once in a while I check to see how I'm doing. So long as I discuss the behavior of the Bush gang of thugs and international criminals there is an extremely high chance I will stay at nothing tamer than "R." Some readers may guess that my political rants involve a high level of self-censoring because it is difficult to discuss mass social obscenity without strong language. In other words, this "NC-17" rating as tame compared to how I feel.

In any case, notwithstanding the pretty pictures you have been warned that we feature ugly topics, including Dick the dick and the White House trail of death, destruction, torture, and misery. There: that's two more dicks, a death, and a torture for you. Aw, hell, some mornings you want to crawl back in bed. If only Cheney and Bush would crawl back into whatever hellhole they came from the world would be a better place.

Have a nice day!

This rating was determined based on the presence of the following words:
death (12x)

torture (8x)
dick (7x)
kill (4x)
hell (3x)

dead (2x)
whore (1x)


Kirstin said...

Alas, I'm yet a lowly PG.

I bow to you. [grin]

June Butler said...

Now I'm PG, too, because of 1 "dead", not to be mentioned in front of the children. That's the highest rating I've had. I'm usually at "R".