Thursday, August 07, 2008

John McOil

When not suggesting his wife take part in the sleazy Miss Buffalo Chip contest, Senator McSame was talking big about commitment to the energy issue:

--from the folks at


johnieb said...

Oh man! I wuz so looking forward to a beer baroness with nipple spangles and a g-string. This campaign sucks.

Paul said...

Wouldn't she look fabulous in those?

Except for the fact that she skeeves me majorly.

susan s. said...

This was also on the Daily Show. I couldn't believe he would offer his wife up to that crowd...

Paul said...

Indeed. How can we expect him to respect the American people if he cannot respect his own wife?

June Butler said...

Let's not forget his use of c**t as a term of endearment for his wife.


Terms of endearment for him.

Paul said...

Mimi, I am so appalled that he called his own wife that term that I could not bring myself to mention it, though the Buffalo Chip bit certainly reminded us all how he views his own wife - and presumably all women. Ugh!

June Butler said...

Paul, delete that comment if you like. I won't be offended.

Paul said...

Oh, heavens no, Mimi. I want the world to know what a low-life sleazebag he is.