And my California dreaming memories were of courting skin cancer (who knew?) with my best friend MaryLou as we worked into ever smaller bikinis over the summer -- resulted in stripes. I finally found ML via internet a few years ago and we are both incredibly happy with life partners of people of different sexes or genders or whatever.
Very Tio 70s indeed. Living or around - or in my case commuting through - the Berkeley hills is one of the great treats of life in my book. The view from Lawrence Lab is a good example of what one can see. I used to commute from the El Cerrito hills through the Berkeley hills east of the Cal campus and along Grizzly Peak to descend down Fish Ranch Road, through the Caldecott Tunnel, then along 13 down to St Cuthbert's. It was not a short drive but it was a spectacular one. I loved my commute.
Yes, I always loved Grizzly Peak Road. Nowadays when I go to Berkeley, I usually stay with Robbin, so I'm up there on Grizzly Peak. I used to have to go up there to fix things at Louis W's house, as I was the only guy around who knew anything about hot water heaters, etc.
The views expressed on this blog are solely those of the blogger and do not represent the positions of any group or organization with which he may be affiliated. As one who spent decades stuffing down his opinions and emotions, I am inclined to cut loose here, which I believe is healthy, honest, and part of the process of sanctification in the long run. Politics and spirituality mingle freely here, along with theatre reviews, photography, and passionate talk about food, literature, and the human journey. If anything written here offends you, please find other blogs to read. I am here to share, not to do battle.
That is nice.
California here he comes!
I like to visit this site when I'm thinking about the Bay Area.
Great photos in this post.Love dem lentes and that shirt, Tío '70's!
Hey -- you were cute even then.
And my California dreaming memories were of courting skin cancer (who knew?) with my best friend MaryLou as we worked into ever smaller bikinis over the summer -- resulted in stripes. I finally found ML via internet a few years ago and we are both incredibly happy with life partners of people of different sexes or genders or whatever.
Stoked indeed.
Very Tio 70s indeed. Living or around - or in my case commuting through - the Berkeley hills is one of the great treats of life in my book. The view from Lawrence Lab is a good example of what one can see. I used to commute from the El Cerrito hills through the Berkeley hills east of the Cal campus and along Grizzly Peak to descend down Fish Ranch Road, through the Caldecott Tunnel, then along 13 down to St Cuthbert's. It was not a short drive but it was a spectacular one. I loved my commute.
Yes, I always loved Grizzly Peak Road. Nowadays when I go to Berkeley, I usually stay with Robbin, so I'm up there on Grizzly Peak. I used to have to go up there to fix things at Louis W's house, as I was the only guy around who knew anything about hot water heaters, etc.
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