Saturday, July 18, 2009

Oops, how could I forget?

The Rt Rev V Gene Robinson, Bishop of New Hampshire, ended his time at GC09 feeling ill.
My apologies to those of you who have been following my blog -- until it recently stopped. On Wednesday evening, after a momentous and wonderful day in the House of Bishops, I came down with a raging fever. At first, I thought it was simply exhaustion. But now, 48 hours later, I am still host to a serious fever which has sapped my strength and kept me from participating in the last two days of Convention.

Let us keep him also in our prayers.

h/t to David for reminding me

--the BB


Brian R said...

He has been in my prayers since reading his blog. I am glad you have mentioned his need. I pray he does not have swine flu which is now raging through Australia and NZ.

Göran Koch-Swahne said...

Prayers ascending!

susankay said...

prayers, of course.