Saturday, May 08, 2010

PASCHA: Sunday of the Blind Man

O Christ God,
Thou spiritual Sun of Righteousness,
Who by Thine immaculate touch
didst bestow a twofold
enlightenment upon him
who from his mother's womb
was deprived of sight,
illumine Thou the eyes
of our souls also,
and prove us to be
children of the day,
that we may cry
to Thee with faith:
Great and ineffable
is Thy compassion toward us,
O Friend of humanity;
glory be to Thee.

--Great Vespers, Sunday of the Blind Man, Pentecostarion


it's margaret said...

We are now required to use the RCL. I guess you are not?

Blessings dear Brother.

Paul said...

No, Margaret, we use the RCL even here in remotest New Mexico. But the Orthodox do not and I have used devotions from their liturgical resources for Eastertide.

St Mark's, Berkeley, was one of the early parishes where the RCL was tried before approval and I was thus exposed to it early on. I much prefer semi-continuous readings from the Hebrew Scriptures to the facile type/antitype methodology of the earlier lectionary. I can thus be numbered among the fans of the RCL.