Yes, we are speaking of the Duke of Apulia, otherwise known as Aimone Umberto Emanuele Filiberto Luigi Amadeo Gustavo Elena Maria Fiorenzo of Savoy. [And Mimi may have thought my bear Cocoa had a long name.]
Well, here he is with Princess Olga of Greece. They have been a long-standing item with an elusive date for tying the knot and I don't really know if they've done it yet or not.

S.A.R. (His Royal Highness) Aimone was born 13 October 1967 (while I was in Montpellier, France on my semester abroad--hmm, in Haute Savoie at one point....). He is the only son of Amedeo the Fifth Duke of Aosta and the last of his line. Perhaps he and Olga should get busy.

His father's official site is here. Amedeo disputes Vittorio Emanuele, Prince of Naples, as to succession to the Italian throne and I rather suspect poor Aimone is of the disgruntled line. At least that is where the other members of the House of Savoy place him (link, in case you read Italian. Check the counterclaims at Amedeo's site at the beginning of this paragraph). Still, if one looks only at the photo just above he at least gets the Leo DiCaprio lookalike award.

Ciao, tutti!
--il BB
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