Hunter got a major rant on over at
Daily Kos and I can so identify with it.
I can't do it. Maybe it's the cough medication talking. Maybe it's the season. Maybe it's the knowledge that we're about to launch into a new presidency which seems already, by many of the most important measures, to be destined for either completely out-in-the-open Republican insanity or fear-spangled Democratic timidity. But I have Outrage Overload, and I can't manage anything pithy to say about the current environment that doesn't involve just climbing the nearest church steeple and swearing at the top of my lungs.
Right now I just want to run every last reporter and politician on earth through a cheese grater.

--the BB
Hunter's rant is a thing of beauty.
Paul, the vast majority of folks in the US don't give a shit. Those of us who do care are few in number. I'm long past outrage fatigue. The color orange at Kos says it well.
We have the country, the government, and the press that we deserve, simply because not enough of us give a shit.
Alas, Mimi, you're right. I keep tossing out bits here so that a few more people might pause and think. If enough people pause and think, they might act. I know that at this site I am mostly preaching to the choir. But encouraging one another to care seems a good thing.
You know all too well how persistent is the temptation to despair and give up. I pray we never do.
This little spot is no DKos but I try to do my part. And then I try to put in enough beauty and faith to nurture us (and myself).
I swear, my mother says this everyday. It's true, though. We don't have a media. We have a giant PR department for the most corrupt government in the history of the nation (you're finally off the hook, Taft!).
Episcopollyanna, your mom is a woman after my own heart.
As I said a few times, I cannot bear to attend to the details of this abomination for very long, so I leave eloquent rants to others.
This doesn't eliminate the occasional outburst, nor savoring the eloquence of others.
Thank you all for being pissed off and continuing to say so.
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