Saturday, December 01, 2007

World AIDS Day

Image from Aids Arms

Ss Kosmas and Damianos, the Unmercenary Physicians

In 2000, heads of state made a promise to halt and begin to reverse the spread of AIDS by 2015. The World Health Organization predicts that in the next 25 years another 117 million people will die, making AIDS the third leading cause of death worldwide.

[The image and paragraph above are from JN1034.]

Prayer for World AIDS Day (Cliff Reed)

O God, healer and comforter, be with all who suffer and all who strive to end the suffering. May your Advent hope be made real to those who struggle with sickness and despair. And God, when the world's griefs make us weary, help us still to care. We ask this in the spirit of Jesus. Amen

[From Susan Russell's An Inch at a Time]

Here's to Gary, David Lee, Lee, John, Mark, Walter... and the millions who have died of AIDS/HIV throughout the world. May you rest in peace and rise with Christ in glory.

For all who work for the prevention, mitigation, and cure of this disease, and all who care for the sick and the dying: May you be given patience and power, persistence and insight, wisdom and effectiveness.

For all who live with HIV/AIDS: may your lives be filled with faith, hope, and love.
Image via ebogjonson
--the BB

1 comment:

Kirstin said...

...Lars, Tod, Cal, Ajaie.
