Friday, December 21, 2007

Everybody, Let's Dance!

The Touching of Thomas

If the title suggests Padre Mickey's Dance Party, it should. Today is the Feast of Saint Thomas the Apostle and the Winter Solstice.

Padre Mickey was ordained ten years ago tomorrow. December 21 was a Sunday that year and the feast was transferred to Monday, so today's feast is the festal anniversary, just as tomorrow is the calendar anniversary of his priesting.

¡Felicitaciones, Padre Mickey!

The Church is so much richer for your ministry, in Panamá and online.

Send him some love. And let's dance! Woohoo!
--the BB


Padre Mickey said...

Muchisimas gracias, Padre'
Just think, ten years ago tomorrow night, I was lying with my nose in the carpet of St. Mark's, Berkeley, while the choir and congregation sang "Come, Holy Ghost, Our Souls Inspire". And now I'm here in Panamá.

Paul said...

And, since St Mark's, Berkeley, was the parish that sponsored me for ordination it's another mystical-communal link between us. I was there in Phil Getchell's days but also partied at Robbin's installation. The day I was approved by the Standing Committee for ordination she came over to our house with champagne.

May God bless your continuing ministry, my friend.