Monday, December 10, 2007

Where is the Nuremburg Tribunal when we need it?

Calipygian has a post up at Daily Kos titled "CIA torturer incriminates self during interview with ABC."
From the ABC interview discussed there we get this: Now retired, Kiriakou says he has come to believe that waterboarding is torture.

"We're Americans, and we're better than this. And we shouldn't be doing this kinda thing," he said. [emphasis mine--BB]

Calipygian notes:
Since the leader of the team that conducted the torture has shown his face on ABC now, can we stop pretending that the tapes were destroyed to protect the identities of the perps from vengeful terrorists?
Can we stop calling it "tough interrogation techniques" now?


George W. Bush says the United States does not torture.

George W. Bush is liar.

I wish the mainstream media would come out and say it.

He's a war criminal. Why is he still in office?

UPDATE: Larry Johnson has more information and perspective over at No Quarter. Highly recommended.
--the BB


Kirstin said...

waterboarding is torture

No. Shit.

[head in hands]

Fran said...

I do not even know what to say any more.

And how many people- however dwindling the numbers may be- but how many people still support this administration?

God help us all.