Wednesday, February 13, 2008

A Hallmark moment for the U. S. Senate

Folks, depression is anger turned inward. Let's not do that to ourselves. Send your anger where it belongs. Let the Senators know how you feel about betrayal of the Constitution, about betrayal of what America stands for, about betrayal of Us the People.

Especially if one or both of your Senators is a Dem who caved.

Be polite but firm.

If you are writing letters to the editor, remember to keep it coherent, cogent, and civil but very, very clear.

How about a nice Valentine to Chairman Conyers of the Judicial Committee urging him to begin impeachment hearings (that's the first step)?

And to Speaker Pelosi, reminding her that when high crimes and misdemeanors occur impeachment is expected to be on the table, not off it. (Hell, on that alone I'd be pushing for her recall if I lived in her district. All her touted accomplishments are dust if we lose our Constitution, the one thing she is sworn to uphold.)

Love and kisses to all you Valentines out there!
--the BB

1 comment:

Fran said...

As I mentioned in another post- I called Senator Clinton's office to voice my displeasure.