Thursday, February 14, 2008

John Locke weighs in on the Anglican Covenant

Photo of Locke from here

John Locke, for "A Letter Concerning Toleration" (1690):

". . .I esteem that Toleration [mutually among Christians] to be the chief Characteristical Mark of the True Church. For whatsoever some People boast of the Antiquity of Places and Names, or of the Pomp of their Outward Worship; Others, of the Reformation of their Discipline; All, of the Orthodoxy of their Faith; (for every one is Orthodox to himself). These things, and all others of this nature, are much rather Marks of Men striving for Power and Empire over one another, than of the Church of Christ. Let any one have never so true a Claim to all these things, yet if he be destitute of Charity, Meekness, and Good-will in general towards all Mankind, even to those that are not Christians, he is certainly yet short of being a true Christian himself."

""It is not the diversity of Opinions, (which cannot be avoided) but the refusal of Toleration to those that are of different Opinions, (which might have been granted) that has produced all the Bustles and Wars, that have been in the Christian World upon account of Religion."

(Hat tip again, to Turner and Quinn)

The above is lifted in toto from The Lead at Episcopal Cafe. Many thanks to Jim Naughton and the Turner and Quinn philosophical archaeology team!

They are, of course, trying to reintroduce Reason into Anglican discourse. This, for the sola Scriptura crowd, is anathema, to which I say: "You want sola Scriptura? Become Lutheran." Hooker--with his triple cord of Scripture, tradition, and reason--would be horrified at much that claims to be "Anglican" these days.
--the BB

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