Friday, February 15, 2008

Lies, Liars, and FISA

Mcjoan discusses Director of National Intelligence Mike McConnell's baldfaced lies on the editorial page of the Washington Post. Do not expect the WashRag to note that they are publishing unquestioned White House propaganda.

Glenn Greenwald posted info yesterday that reminds us that the WH is blowing smoke up our asses.

The White House assumes (1) no one will fact check their statements, (2) no one will challenge them when they lie, (3) no one has a right to question them on anything--cf. the indignant Mme Rice who hates being caught in lies and takes it very personally--(4) the media will happily spread any bullshit they wish to propagate, and (5) Congress can't do anything about it because the WH will not recognize congressional oversight or cooperate with it on any level whatsoever.

Bush and sundry WH spokesliars have mongered fear so long folks are beginning to realize there is no substance to it (boy crying wolf syndrome). Scarecrow writes about this and the House Dems calling the bluff and not passing what Bush wanted. Bush immediately went on the offensive (I heard his words on the radio yesterday and once again went apoplectic while driving). Bush's dilemma is there is no crisis over this. Unless you count the threat that if Congress does NOT grant telcom immunity it may ultimately help reveal the extent of the White House's lawbreaking. That is what motivates Bush, not the threat of terrorists. He, in fact, is the force behind most terrorizing of the American people. In saying that I do not ignore or minimize the threat real terrorists pose to the world's peace and safety.

Scarecrow has lots of links to follow for more and also concludes thus:
The political battle is now clearly defined. The Republicans will claim that the nation faces imminent terror threats that the Democrats are unwilling either to acknowledge or defend against. The WH's Perino will claim Democrats are caving in to the "fantasies of left wing bloggers." Greenwald has more.

The Democrats will paint John "torture-is-okay-if-the-CIA-does-it" McCain as Bush/Cheney Act III, unprincipled fear mongers who not only mismanaged the effort against real terrorist threats by becoming bogged down in an unnecessary and costly Iraq invasion but also manipulated the terrorists' psychology to expand executive power at the expense of American freedoms.

It is an ageless fight. The campaign is on.

--the BB

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