Monday, March 10, 2008

Y Guatemala hace setenta y siete

Alguién nos ha visitado desde Guatemala hoy y quiero darle la bienvenida. Ya tenemos 77 banderas en mi cyber-colección.

Guatemala is famous for the beauty and color of its textiles, and for that alone I would want to visit there. But there is more (as you will see in videos below).

The commentary in this 7-minute video is all in German with no subtitles but the video quality is outstanding and I commend it to you nonetheless.

Given that next week is Holy Week (Semana Santa) we have an appropriate video of Good
Friday in Antigua, Guatemala (8:42m).

Another video of Holy Week is here.

Here is a lovely collage of last year's Semana Santa with a professional choir and band providing music (4:23m).

And yet one more (7:08m) with music by Vangelis:

May the piety of the Guatemalan people help open our hearts to the mysteries of Holy Week in the days ahead.

Por supuesto, tengo ganas de viajar en Guatemala.
--the BB

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