Saturday, December 15, 2007

The levees

No, we're not talking about "American Pie" and driving our Chevy to the levee when the levee was dry. We're talking about Hurrican Katrina and when the levees failed. So how are the folks in NOLA doing these days? Rebuilt yet? Safe yet? Hardly.

This video comes via Ormonde Plater. He calls it "the video the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) doesn't want you to see."

You can read about the controversy at his site.
--the BB


June Butler said...

Thanks for this, Paul. New Orleans is still my true love, tattered as she is.

Kirstin said...

I'll be there in two weeks. Will watch video when I can--I remember well the people I met there, last time. (One had two houses condemned out from under her. She had a job with the Port of NOLA; it took her two years to get out.)