Tuesday, December 11, 2007


From Little Bang Theory:
BASE jumping - that is, parachuting off fixed objects like towers and large cliffs, has undergone a paradigm shift in the last decade, with the introduction of “flying suits” modeled after the skin-flaps of flying squirrels. Amazingly, when one gets falling at around one hundred miles an hour, one suddenly becomes very maneuverable.

Grab a stiff drink and see what the Cool Kids do on their days off.
Actually, I would not watch this while consuming liquids; you might spray your keyboard.

Be seated and in a calm space before watching this video, gang. It is just amazing.
--the BB


Kirstin said...

"Stomach in throat," LOL!

No. way. in. hell.

The Cunning Runt said...

Hey there, Bysi-Bud, glad to see someone picked this up!

I have a long and sordid history of climbing up that stuff, but jumping off of it... well, that's just nuts! LOL

It's awfully cool to watch, though!